My second week of Senior Project was a success. I have learned many things both as a student and a teacher. This week I got to focus more on the teaching aspect of being a TA. I got to help create tests for Intro to Lit as well as create questions for a harkness in Culture and Conflict. However, I mainly helped Mel by making sure everyone was on track with their final projects for all five classes. I have really started to connect with all the students in the classes, even the freshman. This week, Athletes and Lit was pretty normal and so easy to manage, we even got the opportunity to go out for ice cream during one of our blocks and simply have a conversation on our book. I have finally started to get used to both Intro classes, they are full of wild freshmen, but have been making sure they are getting their work done and am excited to start grading the tests Mel and I created for them. My favorite class this week was definitely Culture and Conflict, where I simply got to sit, li...